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What Triggers your Negative Thoughts?


We had an amazing journalling session this week. We worked through one negative thought and what triggers that thought.  We analysed it by using the questions below and by the end we came up with a more helpful thought that we could use whenever we are triggered.  It was so lovely to be able to share and work through our different thoughts and come away feeling satisfied and enlightened. 

I would like to share mine to help you see how these questions are so powerful. 

My negative thought was that I can't remember anything.

My triggers are often feeling overwhelmed with so much to do and remember that I can't retain it all.  I am usually with my family remembering all I have to do for myself, my work, my clients, my children, my house, my friends, my family, my dog and ponies!!

The thought makes me feel rubbish and I know it isn't helpful feeling like this, or thinking this way, as it also isn't true.  The way I act because of this thought is also something that I would like to change with the frustration or sadness it evokes.

The evidence for this thought, that I can't remember anything, isn't true because I do remember things, just not everything, and that is ok.

Evidence against this thought was huge when I actually started writing down all I did remember. It is a lot!! It really helped to see in black and white all I did do instead of focussing on the one thing I had forgotten.

My more helpful thought is I am so grateful I have such an incredible memory.

Next time I am triggered and I am asked where something is or what time is something etc I am not going to get snappy or frustrated or give up because I will say this thought, and know that what I do remember is amazing, and it is ok to forget the things that aren't as important, or are written down so don't even need remembering!!

Working through our triggers, the thoughts and feelings that came up and being able to reframe this thought, with evidence to back it up, during this hour was really helpful. It was amazing to see how much we now understood ourselves, ours triggers and what to do when we do get triggered.

I can't wait for next month. These are free sessions to take time to learn about yourself in a calm, quiet, supportive environment. I would love you to join us next month

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