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I didn't want to get up this morning!


Last week we were in Winterton in Norfolk and we had such an amazing time away, just stopping, eating and walking lots. We rush around a lot during term time, with different kids clubs and matches and it was so good to not have to be anywhere at any specific time.

This morning I was lying in bed when the alarm went off at 6am and I honestly thought it was the middle of the night!! It was so dark, my alarm must be wrong! Alarm put on snooze as I snuggled down deeper determind to go back to sleep and ignor the reality that the day had started. Do you ever feel like that too?

My son, Joshua, came and joined me and said he didn't want to go back to school and thinks we should spend the day snuggled up right where we were. Well I thought it was a great idea and would have loved to have kept cuddling him but after half an hour we were ready to get up. Whilst we were lying there I asked him what he was looking forward to today? He immediately answered "nothing" and so I encouraged him to think, there must be something...He then said he enjoyed DT and then friends and football followed pretty quickly.

We spoke about how important it is to have something to look forward to each day, no matter how small. I shared how I enjoyed walking Bella, getting work done in a quiet house and looking forward to him and Freya coming home.

If you genuinely can't think of something, then it is time to add something into your day so that you do. When you are lying in bed you can run over the things you are looking forward to or plan what you can do. It might be calling a friend, going to the bakery on the way to work, booking theatre tickets, going to the gym or a hack round the woods.

What were you looking forward to today?

Sometimes that whoosh that gets us out of bed is the excitement of something to come later on in the week and to get there we need to be organised and get stuff done today to ensure it runs smoothly.

Today, I did book theatre tickets for a panto in December. I am also looking forward to my group course starting next week, so busy promoting that and I also have the free group journalling session on Thursday evening this week at 8pm.

If you are interested in the group coaching next week or the free journalling this Thursday, do message me x

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