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Find out how to shift a mindset block...


Last night we had our monthly journal session, which was fabulous and lovely to see some new and old faces at the session.

What you want to do, but can't, because of that block/thought?

If we can change how we think about something, then the way we act will change too. We usually only behave in a certain way because of the thought attached to it.

So...change the thought = change the behaviour.

We used the questions below to challenge one behaviour that we didn't want to do anymore and to journal around what the thought could be behind it.

The more we wrote, the more we started to realise that maybe there was more to the thought that is holding us back.

It feels good becoming more self-aware and being able to work on a change that before we didn't really know where to start. We are starting with that meaning we place on what we want to do.

Here is an example from a client I had the other day:

What she wanted: I really want to jump 90cm but; what is stopping her: they are big and scary and because of that (how she acts) I need to ride my horse differently to help him more as he is only 15hh. (She jumps 80cm no problems)

We talked around this and worked out that actually she is excited to jump 90cm, her horse respects those jumps and listens to her more. This became her new thought towards jumping 90.

Take a moment to work through these questions and message me if you need any help.

This process really is life changing...x

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