Helen Henry;
Confidence Coach
To stop feeling so overwhelmed
I am an outstanding Confidence Coach; helping women who feel overwhelmed, have the confidence to change and feel more confident at work, at home, in your hobbies and all areas of your life.
Do you sometimes have moments of self doubt? Do you see the good in what others are doing but always criticise yourself? Are you setting such high expectations for yourself that you just keep failing and solidifying that belief that you are just not good enough?
Would you like to feel more confident? Would you enjoy feeling more positive and believing in yourself? Would you like to know how to change your mindset so that you can feel more calm, confident and in control of your life?
If you focus on having the courage to connect to yourself, others and the world around you, the stress and worry that you are feeling will be a lot less and your confidence will increase.
I work with individuals, particularly female executives and women in male dominated teams. I can work online with teams or come into run workshops and training. When a business encourages success through building confidence in the individuals and developing self-belief, their teams performances improve and the environment becomess a more positive place to be. Feeling valued and heard are two of the most common words that women use in business. If they don't feel this, they are less likely to perform to the level that they are capable of, and certainly wont exceed it. It is in every companies best interest to ensure their employees are happy and confident in their job and as much as possible their lives.
I enjoy working in the equine world, helping horse riders feel more confident out of the saddle so they feel more confident in the saddle. As a horse rider myself, self doubt can easily transfer into your riding and into your horse. Equally it is very easy to hide at the stables, your sanctuary, and not deal with the problems going on away from the yard. Imagine being able to ride with confidence and be happy.
Are you ready to embrace change and love you, for you, not for who you should be or were? Are you ready for those changes to make an impact not just on you but in your work, at home, at the stables and in all areas of your life?
It is possible, you can do it.
Please contact me with any questions, I would love to be able to help you.
Work Confidently
To ensure wellbeing at work I create tailor made programmes for your business to create employees who are able to communicate effectively and therefore increase their performance.​
Here are the different ways that you can work with me:
1:1 coaching for corporate confidence and knowing your worth.
Team coaching for effective communication, the confidence and knowledge to produce high quality results.
Wellbeing worshop for feeling valued, growing in self belief and confidence.
Outdoor wellbeing walk to destress and reboot whilst working together as a team.
Ongoing support to never feel alone.

Live Confidently
To ensure you are living confidently you can sign up for free sessions, paid group sessions or 1:1 sessions. My mission is that no one should go through life not feeling good enough. Life is too short to surround ourselves with toxic people and environments so we build our confidence to say no. We work on the inside out, releasing limiting beliefs that you hve held for so long you don't even know when it began. We look at your values and how to live in allignment with your values so you are happier. We see what your stressors are and how to elliminated them so you can live a calm, content lifestyle, with all the fun and adventure you choose. I offer tailor made sessions with 6 - 12 week programmes. There really is something for everyone so please don't think I can't help, I can. Message me, join a Confident You, you deserve it.
Here are the different ways that you can work with me:
1:1 coaching online or in person to increase your confidence and know your worth.
In person 1:1 sessions are walk and talks, using nature as a co-facilitator for healing.
Group coaching to work with a group of similar individuals often organised through a riding club to help build your confidence and self belief in your life so you are more confident riding and around your horse.
MyFacebook group Confident You for free challenges, journalling and a community support network.
Online course coming soon!
Everyone also gets a free consultation to meet each other, see if we are a good fit, and share what you need support with so I can share how I can help.

About Me
Hi, I'm Helen, a girl who just loves horses, as well as being a wife, and mother of two beautiful children. I grew up in a small village in Bedfordshire, with my Mum, Dad and brother. I love horse riding, climbing, reading and being with my friends and family. I am a confidence coach, teacher and tutor.
I have always worked with people and I love seeing them succeed, especially when they don't think they can. Through years of teaching and coaching I have found it is all about the relationship you have with yourself, others and the world around you that make you more confident.
The biggest knock in my confidence is always when I lose a special connection. My lowest period was when both my parents were ill and died before I had got married. They have not met my children and I miss them so much. I felt lost but learnt that through love, being outdoors, being with close family, friends, my pony and cat I could keep going.
Don't get me wrong, I have bad days, especially around Christmas, but they don't seem to last for long as I am confident to know what to do to help myself.
One of my greatest highs was the realisation that dreams can come true when I got my first pony, Ed, at the age of 30. I waited 25 years for this moment and every time I saw him he made me smile and I could not believe he was mine. The relationship I developed with this incredible pony was one of the best things I have ever experienced. He helped me learn so much about myself. He taught me patience, love, understanding, fun and laughter, alongside a wonderful group of friends.
I also get when we doubt our ability to ride, when we compare ourselves to others and don't do what we really want to do as we are crippled with fear and anxiety. Being a horse rider is not always plain sailing!
Another huge high was becoming a mother and understanding what the love of a child can be. As a new parent I then embarked on the steepest learning curve I have ever been on and oh my goodness it can be so tough. I get how exhausting having children and running a family is. Throw work on top and it is hard to find time to breathe!! When they are little, getting dressed is a wonderful achievement, and so it should be.
I enjoy working with individuals and teams in business, helping them to reach their potential, to work on their confidence so that they will perform to the standard they know they are capable of, but have been crippled with self-doubt. When your team feel valued, when they are able to work confidently, their performance increases and therefore the success of the business.​
I am an accredited coach with the ICF, a Master NLP practitioner, A core-renewal therapist, a growth mindset practitioner and a qualified teacher.
I help women, to deal with change, when it isn't always their choice and has left them feeling broken. I feel honoured that these ladies share their story with me and trust in me, to help them build their lives, the way they really want it to be. In particular I work with horse riders whose riding and relationship with their horse is being affected by their self doubt.
I am also tutoring children who can't access school, not due to behaviour but anxiety, OCD, Autism and through a patient, gentle approach they have started to believe in themselves and learn again when they didn't think they could.
Mental health can be an ongoing battle. Just imagine feeling more confident so you can live the life you choose...it is possible...​
My Values and Qualifications
Experienced Coaching Professional
Fully-certified and accredited since 2000, I am also a Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Master Practitioner, a growth mindset Practitioner, a Core-Renewal Therapist and a qualifiede teacher. I’ve been successfully coaching clients throughout my local area and beyond facilitating their self-growth. If you are feeling overwhelmed by life’s demands, my services aim to introduce clarity and self-motivation. I also teach techniques to better manage the emotional stress of everyday life and at work.
My values run through everything that I do in my business;
Looking after our wellbeing - physical and mental health.
To be Authentic - stay true to myself and you.
Communication - the basis of all my programmes is to be able to communicate positively with yourself, others and where possible use the benefits of the natural world to support you.
Be kind and don't judge.

Confidence Coaching Programmes
Through my choice of programmes you will work on feeling confident to change what is holding you back and deal with the changes that you weren't expecting.
Each programme is tailor made to suit you and you can choose to be based outside, at your workplace, online, on a call or a combination of them all.
If you don't have the confidence to book a call, that's ok, please email me and I will get back to you asap.
MOD, NHS, teachers and emergency services benefit from 10% discount.
Refer a friend and receive a 10% off your next booking too.

Corporate Confidence Coaching
Working as a female executive can be challenging due to a variety of factors, both systemic and cultural. So many businesses are more forward thinking but there are still times when you might feel gender bias and stereotypes, unequal opportunities, representation and possible pay disparities. Once you put the work life balance into the mix, especially for women with families, it isn't surprising that you might feel stressed.
I feel passionate about women doing the absolute best that they can, without anything holding them back, but sometimes it is our own mental blocks, our lack of belief in ourselves and imposter syndrome that actually can stop us the most.
As a confidence coach, I ensure that you don't hold yourself back. That you give yourself every opportunity and you know you can achieve, you are excited about your future and feel calm and confident in all areas of you life.
If this sounds like you and you would like to feel more confident in your job and guilt free in other areas of your life, because you have that balance, please give me a call or book in a session.

Confident You Group Programme
Confident You has been designed to put yourself first. Are you tired of always putting yourself last? Are you tired of not having the confidence to do what you want to do? Would you love to know how to control the build up of stress, that can feel so overwhelming?
Imagine when someone asks you to do something you don't feel yourself spiral downwards because you know you can, you believe in yourself. Imagine you had the confidence to say yes or no because that is what you really want to say, not what you are expected to say.
Would you like to feel like confident in every day life, as well as at work?
Even though life throws all sorts of crap at you, wouldn't it feel good to be able to cope with those changes, that you didn't choose, but you are having to deal with it anyway?
This is a 6 week programme with 5 weeks working altogether as a group and one session as a 1:1. This allows you to work as a group, supporting and learning from each other, and also having the 1:1, to be able to work through anything a little more complicated, with the time devoted just for you.
I will motivate and encourage you to complete your goals so you leave feeling calm, confident and in control of your life.
If this is a buisiness group, you will work together, support each other, understand what is sometimes going on for other people and realise that we all see the world differently, and that is ok. You will have a team ready to go the extra mile at work, because they know they have the support as and when they need it.
You will finish your sessions feeling empowered, knowing that you can, believing in your future and what you are going to do.
Book your free 30 min consultation to connect with me and let's see the best way we can work together.
I look forward to taking with you x

The Outdoor Lifeline 1-2-1 Programme
The Outdoor Lifeline has been designed to use the outdoors to move you from stressed, and anxious to feeling confident and happy using many techniques in a Confident You online programme but with the added bonus of being outside.
Do you find being inside talking to someone or online looking at someone on a screen a bit intense? Would you prefer to be walking side by side, with the noises and natural distractions that the outdoors brings? Do you want to get fit but want to start your journey with someone? Do you enjoy being outdoors and could use the natural world to help you heal?
This is a tailor made programme to suit you, your needs and fitness. Imagine regular walks becoming part of your life, feeling fitter and stronger. Imagine 6 to 12 weeks of regular support, including hours out in nature, 1-2-1, walking, taking time to reflect and feel calm.
We will use the outdoors to support and motivate you to stop the stress that everyday life and work can cause. It is such a wonderful opportunity to find clarity and some regular time outside for you. Maybe in your lunch break, or your 'commute time' whilst you're working from home.
Has life thrown a spanner in the works and you are trying to cope with everyday life and also a big change that is feeling overwhelming?
The Outdoor Lifeline Programme will work you through tools to cope better with stress, understand your limiting beliefs and work towards your goals. What do you want to be feeling or doing in 3 months time?
Click below to book your free 30 min consultation and find out how we could work together and allow you to feel so much better about yourself.

Confident You, Confident Rider
I love horses and have always been surrounded by them. I have had my ups and downs in life and my rock has often been my horse.
But what happens when you lose your confidence in yourself and then your riding takes a knock too?
Have you had a fall and now feel scared to get back on?
Do you really want to jump but every time you head towards the jump you are using your leg but pulling up too?
Do you have every excuse under the sun to not ride and then feel disappointed and annoyed when you get home that you didn't do it?
Is your horse your sanctuary, but everything else feels like a mess? Do you wish that if your life was better you could also ride better and do what you really want to do?
If any of the above sounds familiar then Confident You, Confident Rider is for you. You know you horse senses so much of what you are feeling. When you arrive tense, you can't blame your horse for picking up on it. I know there are incredible horses that hold our hands through it all, but we can't rely on them forever if we truly want to progress. It is time to have a good look at yourself and start working on you. To understand your values, your beliefs, and what is important to you. To ensure that you have the tools to manage your self doubt and start to really enjoy your life for you (and your horse!)
I work with you online,from 8 to 12 weeks. Once you have completed a coaching programme you can continue to do monthly top up sessions.
If you have any questions about how we can help you feel more confident and ride how you always dreamed you would, please contact me below.

Above are the Riding Clubs I am Affiliated with
If you are a member of one of these clubs, you are eligible for a FREE coaching call to help suppport you on the beginning of your journey and you can then get between £50-£100 off one of my Coaching Programmes, just for being a member of one of these clubs!
Rave Reviews

Helen is whatever you need, wherever you need. She can be an adrenaline shot when you've lost motivation, a patient teacher when you're failing and desperate to succeed or gently listening when it's all gone Pete Tong.
I’ve always thought of myself as a brave rider. In my younger days I show jumped to Newcomers/Foxhunter level, loved the thrill of xcountry, and even took part in a Team Chase. As I’ve got older, my riding style has changed from loving jumping to loving dressage, pole work, and the odd SJ clinic with my ex-racer mare who I’ve had for eight years.
I was still happy to get on a variety of horses, and one day in early October, the 7th October 2023 to be exact, when riding a friends’ new cob, who I’d ridden a handful of times, he spooked, bolted and I had a fall and got injured. I lost consciousness and had a three day stay in MK General Hospital as a result of fracturing eight ribs on my right side and suffering a haematoma in my right leg.
My recovery was slow and painful. Having to sleep upright as I was unable to lay flat was challenging, as was having a reaction to the painkillers and basically having a sudden change of lifestyle hit my confidence badly. I had gone from being an active 50yr old something, running a 5K at least once a week, walking my dogs daily, looking after my horse and riding 5 times a week, to basically barely being able to walk down the hallway and unable to put my own socks on. I was not allowed to drive and I certainly wasn’t allowed or wasn’t able to ride.
Enter Helen! Helen was introduced to me a few months previously by a riding club friend and kindly offered her services to our club at our AGM.
Helen and I began our journey together at the beginning of December and it was a game changer! By adapting some simple techniques, over the following four weeks, Helen helped me cope with my situation, and process how I felt about the accident. She gave me anchors to use in stressful situations, and generally made me feel like a more confident and happier person. My sleep patterns improved, and I spent more time on mindful tasks, like reading a book instead of scrolling on my phone.
Then on Boxing Day 2023, I got back on my horse! Twelve weeks post-accident, I got on and walked my horse around the school for 20 mins and even had a little trot at the end! I felt like I had won the Grand National! I was ecstatic. I had no fear about getting on and once onboard I knew that I would be absolutely fine. We (my horse and I) are now slowly building up our fitness together and I hope to be back out competing in a couple of months.
I would 100% recommend Helen to anyone who is experiencing a lack of confidence, self-belief, or if you want to just feel a bit better about yourself.

After a nasty riding accident last year my confidence was at an all time low. I worked with Helen once a week to help me make sense of what had happened, how I was feeling when I rode and how I could go about starting to move forward again with my riding. Working on my mind as well as the physical side of riding was so important to my recovery and I'm grateful to Helen for helping me smile again in the saddle.

After an injury I found myself in a bit of a life rut, unable to continue with my current job and feeling generally unhappy. Helen set me small, focused goals each week and having achieved these I felt so much more positive about my future career and life. Helen has a calming influence on busy life, she is a great listener and I would highly recommend Helen to anyone looking for a life coach.

I felt so low I didn't even want to get up, let alone go and see my pony, or care for him and certainly not ride. He was turned away. I got a sharer and I worked on myself. With Helen's help I am now back riding, competing in trec and loving being back in the saddle. I am now happier within myself. I am stronger. I never thought I would be able to jump like this again...

I can’t thank Helen enough for the support she has given me over the past month. She has helped me find direction and has helped me find that ‘me’ time I have neglected since having my little one. She has a very kind and caring nature and her passion for helping others makes her a wonderful person to work with. I highly recommend her services!

Thanks so much for another great coaching session Helen! After your positive advice I'm feeling very motivated to achieve my goals, and talking outdoors really helped give me the head space to think about them.

I came to riding later on in life and have always lacked confidence with the horses, so when an opportunity arose work with Helen I jumped at the chance. I undertook the confident rider course with Helen, which took place for an hour a week over zoom.
We discussed and identified my goals and she has provided me with some strategies to help achieve these.
Helen helped me identify some negative patterns of behaviour I have around the horses and provided motivation to make changes.
I enjoyed the sessions and look forward to working on my confidence and to see what the future holds for my riding life.

I am a nervous rider but I am extremely lucky and have a very reliable pony, Dax. I have had 3 sessions (so far) with Helen Henry; Confidence Coach and in such a short space of time my mindset towards riding has completely changed, I’m excited to make plans with Dax. We have been setting achievable goals and working towards them week by week, we have been working on different coping methods to prevent nerves from cropping up. In the space of 3 weeks we have been to a wsrc clinic, started ground pole exercise and taken our first steps towards going on a hack. I couldn’t recommend Helen more. She has completely changed my mindset to riding and I am so excited to do more with Dax.

One of the things I enjoyed most about my 4 sessions with Helen, was talking horses in between the
coaching! There’s something very reassuring about learning confidence strategies for a horse-related
issue, with someone who loves and owns horses and ‘gets’ the stresses that can occur.
Through the exercises we worked on in the sessions and the homework (yes, homework!) I did in
between, I couldn’t believe how much difference Helen could make in such a short time to my
mindset around feeling calm in collecting rings at events and keeping my focus on my riding in the
showjumping arena, rather than worrying about what other people would think of my riding.
Since working with Helen, I’ve already been to one event and put my new outlook and techniques to
the test. I’m delighted to say that I think I even smiled as I tackled the course and, better than that, I
could feel my horse, Jack, relax and enjoy the occasion more too.
It feels like a cheeky bonus, but the understanding and strategies that I’ve learned, to boost my
competition riding confidence. have had a knock-on effect in my life generally as I’ve found myself
applying them in other situations.
I know that making changes in our lives isn’t just a matter of 4 one-hour coaching sessions; it takes
effort to build a new mindset in the same way that we work to build muscles, and I’ve definitely got
more practising to do. But what Helen provides is the knowledge and genuine interest in helping us
on our way and, for that gift, Jack and I are very grateful. Thank you!

I have been doing walk and talk sessions with Helen for quite a while now. I approached her when I was at the early stages of setting up my new business whilst also navigating motherhood to three very small children and in a state of constant overwhelm. I was looking for some guidance and grounding to help me to work on my confidence and time management skills. Helen has helped me so much. The walk and talk style is ideal for me - it allows me to multitask in the most positive way: getting my steps in, walking my dogs and chatting through the things that I need to that week. Helen has equipped me with tools, techniques and confidence which have all supported me to launch my new business which I have now been running for 5 months. We still touch base regularly to check in and make sure I'm on track for my goals. I know I can reach out to her anytime. I'm so grateful to you Helen for your support and encouragement and I 100% recommend you and your sessions
If any of these have resonated with you and you feel like I could help, please click below to get in touch.